



Making Two Quick Change Stops

September 21, 2011

Calculation Tools

Chucked a 2" X 1/2" round steel rod in the lathe. After facing and drilling/threading the center hole the stock was moved to the mill and a small flat was milled for the cross hole. Center drilled and switch to a #28 drill bit. The drill went off course when it hit the other hole.

Consequently, the job needs to be repeated, but this time the cross hole needs to be drilled first!

Vee Block

The second time a 1" length of 1/2" steel rod was cleaned up on the lathe. It was then held on the mill table in a small vee block. Centered a 1/8" end mill 0.094" from the end. Milled a flat. Center drilled and then drilled with a #28 drill bit through 0.052" offset from the center line.

The part was returned to the lathe and the end with the cross hole was reduced to 0.238" diameter for a length of 0.188". Then drilled with a center drill followed by a #29 drill. Prior to tapping countersunk with an I drill to a depth of 0.164" for the bolt head. This hole was then tapped for 8-32 threads. Since the bolts to be used had a non-threaded portion, it was necessare to drill with a #19 drill bit for 0.250" below the previous countersink.

Found that a 1/8" steel cross-piece was not a large enough diameter to lock the stop. Remade with 3/16" steel rod. Faced the end and reduced the > 0.5" length to 0.168" diameter. Filed a bevel on the end and cutoff. Reversed in the lathe and beveled the other end with a file as well. The center line was marked and a groove was filed in the rod. Works like a champ!! Cut off a screw to fit and tapered it by turning the lathe head stock 20°.

This process was repeated the next day except drilling with the #19 drill was done prior to tapping.